How Talk About It Tuesday Is Amplifying Mental Health Awareness with Custom Workwear - Phoenix

How Talk About It Tuesday Is Amplifying Mental Health Awareness with Custom Workwear

In custom workwear, there are occasions when the clothing transcends its utilitarian purpose and becomes a powerful vehicle for a cause and to drive lasting change. 

Such is the case with Talk About It Tuesday, a story of two lifelong friends who tragically lost their sons to suicide, both on a Tuesday - Dillon (18) and Daniel (37).

Together, Debbie and Jackie decided enough was enough regarding the lack of accessibility and availability of Mental Health Services in remote Australia, and Talk About It Tuesday was born. 

Their noble mission is to stand up now, make a difference and prevent this from happening to other families by raising awareness on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention by uncovering what support networks are available for those suffering and creating conversations about how Mental Health issues affect mothers, sisters, brothers and the whole community. 

The Challenge: Custom workwear that would bring their unique branding to life, spark Conversations About Mental Health and help break the stigma that still plagues Australia. 

In March 2022, Debbie and Jackie first created a Facebook support group for those suffering from Mental Health issues and for families who have lost loved ones to suicide. 

The challenge was that as Talk About It Tuesday expanded, it didn’t have a unique custom workwear uniform that showcased its unique branding, mission, and product range for its community to call its own that would showcase its support in breaking the stigma around mental health and suicide prevention.

The Solution:  Enter Custom Workwear by Phoenix.

Phoenix is a brand known for its commitment to quality and social impact.

When Talk About It Tuesday reached out to Phoenix with their vision, it was an opportunity to do more than just create custom workwear; it was a chance to be a part of something special.

Phoenix collaborated closely with the team at Talk About It Tuesday to understand the mission, and the importance of the logo, designed by Jackie's daughter in correspondence to the colours of the National Suicide Prevention ribbon - Teal and Purple.


Furthermore, the beautiful logo was a heartfelt touch with Debbie and Jackie; it was important for them to incorporate dragonflies, butterflies, and feathers into the logo, which signified a special meaning to them. 

Custom workwear

The end result was a range of custom workwear that seamlessly blended functionality, comfort, and a powerful message. 

The Impact:  Australians come together as a community to help make a difference in mental health. 

The tricky thing about mental health is it’s invisible, people can still perform at work, and appear like everything is okay.  

However, the Black Dog Institute has stated that in 5 Australians will experience a mental illness this year. These are our family members, friends, colleagues and loved ones. Sadly, 60% of people with a mental illness will not seek help.

As Talk About It Tuesday's mission expands, they continue to see many amazing Australians stepping up and coming together to make a difference. 

To check in on their mates, to start conversations, to empower each other to keep moving foward, and to help break the stigma around mental health and provide the help remote Australia needs.

Custom work shirts for Mental Health

The Future:  A beacon of hope

As Talk About It Tuesday looks to the future, they see their custom workwear as a beacon of hope, one person, one conversation at a time. 

It's not just a work shirt; it's a symbol of their unwavering commitment to mental health awareness and suicide prevention. 

It's a testament to the power of conversation and community. With each passing day, it sparks conversations and saves lives. 

It's a reminder that custom workwear can be more than just a custom garment. It can help form a movement with purpose and make an impact in the community for the better.

Custom embroidery 


Conclusion: ABS suicide data highlights urgent need to tackle mental ill health

Collaborations between Australian charities like Talk About It Tuesday and social impact brands like Phoenix are crucial in combating mental health stigma.

Together, they can make a positive difference for individuals and families, friends, and communities, one person at a time.

If you would like to achive the same results with custom workwear for your business or orgaisation get in touch today here 

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